Monthly Archives: February 2015

Share Your World – 2015 Week #8


Your favorite blog post that you have written? (add link)

I loved the Fun Foto Challenge of “My Favorite Things” I had a blast finding the subjects of the verses. I particularly had fun with the cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels. I found one of Lyla’s ponies and bought a delicious strudel to photograph…and eat 😉

What do you feel is the most enjoyable way to spend $500? Why?

I would love to take my family on vacation. My mom has done so much for us over the years and I’d like to do something for her.

If you could know the answer to any question, besides “What is the meaning of life?”, what would it be?

Oh that’s a tough one, “What is the secret to happiness?” Yea, I’ll go with that 🙂

Where do you eat breakfast?

Honestly, on the couch, we keep making plans to all sit at the table together, but it hasn’t quite happened yet.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful that my yard sale went fairly well and I’m looking forward to getting this move on!

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Share Your World Week 7


Is the paper money in your possession right now organized sequentially according to denomination and with the bills right side up and facing the same way?

Actually it is 🙂 I had my moving sale yesterday, which is why I’ve been MIA from the challenges this week. I usually don’t have cash so it was fun to play with a little cash and align the bills 🙂

What is your favorite type of dog?  (can be anything from a specific breed, a stuffed animal or character in a movie)

Shiba Inu is my favorite, they’re such cute little balls of fluff, sadly my husband and I are allergic so we can’t have one.

If money was not an issue, would you go on a cruise?  If so where would you go?

I would go to the Galapagos Islands to see all the amazing creatures and beaches 🙂

Would you dare to sleep in haunted house overnight?

OOh scary, I’d like to think I could. I love scary movies, but I probably would wuss out and leave lol

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful I made a little money with the moving sale. I’m excited to move next Saturday!!!

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